Emmaus Road Ministries
Knowing Jesus in the journey
Personal prayer ministry
Emmaus Road Ministries brings healing and wholeness through Teaching and Prayer Ministry in Training Days and Personal Prayer Ministry Appointments.
Steve and Sue Waller | Emmaus Road
Steve & Sue have been in pastoral ministry for over twenty-five years and lead a team of trained and experienced prayer ministers.
Steve and Sue believe God can and does make the difference.
They have a heart to hear you and hear God, to work with you to see you become all that God intended you to be.
Areas Covered in Personal Ministry appointments and Training Events include:
Acceptance & Belonging
Overcoming Fear, Anxiety, Trauma & Loss
Eating Disorders
Freedom in Relationships
Control & Co-dependency
Healing of Emotions
Restoring the Human spirit
Training in Prayer Ministry Skills, Emotional and Mental health issues, etc
If you are interested in training days, teaching or personal prayer ministry, please use the contact form to get in touch.
You can make a one-off or regular donation to support this ministry. This can be anonymous if you prefer. Many thanks!