
To be so passionate about the presence of God, that He changes us and we change the world!


To be so passionate about the Presence of God..

As Church, we are called to be the very dwelling place of the Spirit of God. Hosting His presence is our number one priority. Everything we are, comes out of encountering who He is. This is far more than a theological concept, but an intentional hunger that leads into worship, prayer, a love of the Bible and a reality of the Holy Spirit. It is the atmosphere of revival, and the birthing ground for dreams, vision, prophecy and His Kingdom on Earth.

..that He changes us..

Encountering Him changes us, and restores us to our true selves. In this broken world, we expect everyone's discipleship to include a journey through healing and wholeness. We want to see believers strong and confident in their God-given identity marked by their Christ-likeness, mature relationships and radical love.

..and we change the world

It doesn't stop there! As God pours His love into us, we overflow into the world. We lead others to experience His gospel message, His love, His healing and to come to know Him for themselves. We get to love the pain out of people's lives. We serve both the poor and the privileged, here and overseas. We teach the truth and resource the Body, locally, regionally & nationally. We release God's kingdom on Earth.